Logical truth and falsity

We say of certain propositions that they are logically true or logically false.

Logical falsity

Informal definition

A proposition is logically false if and only if it is not possible for the proposition to be true. The proposition itself cannot be consistently asserted.


There is a country that is not a country.
Apples are fruits and apples are not fruits

Neither proposition can be true because the truth of the first clause is contradicted by the second. By the principle of consistency, it is not possible for both clauses to be true at once therefore the proposition, overall has the truth value of false.

It is raining and it is not raining.

Formal definition

A proposition P is truth-functionally false if and only if P is false on every truth-value assignment

Formal expression

$$ P \land \lnot P $$


\(P\)\(P \land \lnot P\)

Logical truth

Informal definition

A proposition is logically true if and only if it is not possible for the proposition to be false. The proposition itself cannot be consistently denied.


A rose is a rose.
Today is Tuesday unless today is not Tuesday.

Regardless of any facts obtaining in the world, these propositions cannot be false.should be avoided in arguments, they ‘prove’ everything whi

As with logically false propositions, logical truth can also apply to compound propositions:

A rose is a rose and a shoe is a shoe

Formal definition

A proposition P is truth-functionally true if and only if P is true on every truth-value assignment

$$ P \lor \lnot P$$


\(P\)\(P \lor \lnot P\)


The existence of logically false and logically true propositions affects the validity and soundness of arguments in which they are used. These are technicalities that have philosophically interesting consequences.

  • If an argument contains premises which are logically false than this argument will perforce be valid. This is because one cannot consistently assert the premises and deny the conclusion which is the definition of validity. However the reason why one cannot consistently assert the premises and deny the conclusions is because one cannot consistently assert the premises - they conflict with each other. Furthermore as the argument contains false premises, it cannot be sound.

    (P1) Russia is a country.
    (P2) Russia is not a country
    (P3) All countries have languages.
    (C) Russian is a language.
  • Any argument with a logically true conclusion is valid. Because the conclusion cannot be consistently denied it follows that we cannot consistently assert the premises and deny the conclusion. Whether or not the argument is sound remains an open question however. If the premises happen to be true then the argument will be sound on the strength of the conclusion being logically true but if the premises are false it will be unsound regardless of the truth of the conclusion.

    (P1) Horses have legs.
    (P2) Animals with legs can move.
    (C) A horse is a horse