Iterating through complex data structures in Python
// TODO: sections :
- Looping, mapping, filtering lists
- Looping, mapping, filtering dictionaries
- As above with multi-dimensional lists
- As above with list of dictionaries
Complex data structures
In JavaScript when we return data from an API we tend to use an array of objects as the canonical form of a repeating iterable, e.g:
const data = [
name: "Thomas",
age: 35,
name: "Joe",
age: 75,
In Python there are two common ways to handle similar data structures:
- A list of lists:
data = [ ["Thomas", 35], ["Joe", 75] ]
- A list of dictionaries:
data = [ {"name": "Thomas", "age": 35}, {"name": "Joe", "age": 75}, ]
Multi-dimensional lists (list of lists)
Sorting by common property
Assuming the sub-lists have an identical structure, you can sort them by a common property by passing a lambda function to the key
value of sorted()
and .sort()
For example, to sort the following list of lists by the second age
people = [["Alice", 30], ["Bob", 25], ["Clare", 35], ["Dave", 28]]
Using sorted()
sorted_people = sorted(people, key=lambda x: x[1])
# Output: [['Bob', 25], ['Dave', 28], ['Alice', 30], ['Clare', 35]]
Using .sort
people.sort(key=lambda x: x[1])
# Output: [['Bob', 25], ['Dave', 28], ['Alice', 30], ['Clare', 35]]
If you want to sort by name instead, you could change the lambda function to lambda x: x[0]
# Using sorted()
sorted_people = sorted(people, key=lambda x: x[0])
# Output: [['Alice', 30], ['Bob', 25], ['Clare', 35], ['Dave', 28]]
# Using .sort()
people.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])
# Output: [['Alice', 30], ['Bob', 25], ['Clare', 35], ['Dave', 28]]
Updating an inner value within a multidimensional list
In the following example we have a list of the following structure:
data = [
["1688582410", "Article One"],
["1688647447", "Article Two"],
["1689023491", "Article Three"],
Below we use map and a lambda function to convert the first element of each iner list from a Unix timestamp to a readable string:
readable_date = list(map(lambda i: [convert_timestamp(i[0])] + i[1:], date))
We could also use list comprehension to achieve the same outcome:
readable_date = [[convert_timestamp(i[0])] + i[1:] for i in data]
Filter elements in a multidimensional list
Say we have the following data structure:
name_age = [ ["Anthony", 16], ["Christopher", 22], ["James", 6] ]
We can return only the people who are older than 18 with the following filter
function and lambda
filtered_ages = list(filter(lambda person: person[1] > 18, name_age))
Remove duplicate entries from multidimensional list
If we are just working with a normal list, a quick way to remove duplicates is just:
our_list = [9, 9, 3, 2]
unique = list(set(our_list))
This won’t work with a list of lists because lists are not hashable.
There are different approaches. Let’s say we have the following multidimensional list:
dummy_data = [
["1689023491", "Article Three", "Lorem ipsum...", ""],
["1688582410", "Article One", "Lorem ipsum...", ""],
["1688647447", "Article Two", "Lorem ipsum...", ""],
["1689023491", "Article Three", "Lorem ipsum...", ""],
Here is one method:
unique = []
seen = set()
for element in dummy_data:
element_to_check = element[0]
if element_to_check not in seen:
We designate a unique property in the inner lists and then store a unique record of each. If the seen set doesn’t have the incoming element, we add it to the unique array.
It’s more efficient to use a dictionary because it allows us to do this in 0(1) time rather than 0(n):
unique_dict = {x[0]: x for x in dummy_data}
unique_data = list(unique_dict.values())
This approach leverages the fact that a dictionary cannot have duplicate keys: if you try to insert an element with a key that already exists, the new value will simply overwrite the old value for that key.
Accordingly, we create a dictionary which uses the unique key in each list as the key of each dictionary entry via dictionary comprehension that loops through each value in the inner lists of the multidimensional array. We then parse the values of the dictionary into a list.